Does It Hurt?

Does It Hurt? H. D. Carlton


Does It Hurt?

Who am I?

I've forgotten the answer to that question long ago. Ever since I ran from that house, so desperate to escape, I left with only the clothes on my back and socks on my feet. After that day, I've only ever walked in stolen shoes.

Could I be a girl who is searching for the meaning of life in faceless men? They were all so forgettable. Until he came along. He took me under a waterfall and made me forget my name, and in return, I took his instead.

Enzo Vitale.

An enigmatic man that will only ever love the deep sea. Or rather the predators that inhabit it. Turns out, he's not so different than the monsters he feeds. He lured me onto his boat like a fish in the ocean, seeking vengeance for my crime. Had I realized his intentions, and that a massive storm would leave us shipwrecked, I would've ran.

Now, I'm a girl who's seeking refuge in a decrepit lighthouse with a man who loathes me almost as much as he craves me. He wants to hurt me, but the old caretaker of the abandoned island may have intentions far more sinister.

It's no longer a question of who I am, but rather, will I survive?

Jovem adulto / Romance / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (2)

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Isso dói?
Does It Hurt?


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Haunting Adeline
Hunting Adeline
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Isso Dói?

Resenhas para Does It Hurt? (193)

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on 14/7/23

"É preciso força para continuar a se levantar depois de ser derrubada o tempo todo." Okay, eu amo a escrita da H. D. Carlton, ela consegue te fazer não querer soltar mais o livro enquanto não ver o fim, porém nesse aqui senti muita falta disso, alguns capítulos são meio chatos, maçantes. Eu li esse com minha amiga, minha dupla apocalíptica (risos) e a gente depois dos 50% já estava implorando para o livro acabar logo, pelo menos capítulos são curtos, a escrita é boa, isso não dá pra n... leia mais


Avaliações 3.8 / 1.038
ranking 35
ranking 36
ranking 21
ranking 6
ranking 2



cadastrou em:
10/06/2022 17:39:11
editou em:
22/07/2022 21:48:46

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