Done and Dusted

Done and Dusted Lyla Sage


Done and Dusted (Rebel Blue Ranch #1)

A Small Town Romance

She’s off-limits, but he’s never been good at following the rules.

For the first time in her life, Clementine “Emmy” Ryder has no idea what she’s doing. She’s done everything on her to-do list. She left her small hometown, went to college, and made a name for herself doing her favorite thing: riding horses. But when an injury results in an obstacle she can’t overcome, Emmy leaves behind a career, an apartment, and a boyfriend for the hometown she spent her whole life trying to escape.

Luke Brooks is Meadowlark’s most notorious bad boy, bar owner, and bachelor. He’s also the unofficial fifth member of the Ryder family, who spent his entire childhood antagonizing Emmy, the youngest Ryder sibling.

It’s been years since he’s seen his best friend’s little sister, but when she walks into his bar and back into his life, he can’t take his eyes off her.

Brooks takes it upon himself to get to the bottom of why Emmy returned to Meadowlark and what happened to put out the perpetual fire in her eyes. But first, he needs Emmy to take him up on his offer to be friends. An offer that has nothing to do with the fact that he can’t stop thinking about her.

At least, that’s what he tells himself.

As things between Emmy and Brooks heat up, it’s getting more difficult for him to keep his hands off of her. Can he help her get her spark back? Or will they both go up in flames?

Ficção / Romance

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Done and Dusted


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?just because you got dusted, doesn't mean you're done?
on 12/8/23

História leve e fácil de se engajar, vibes perfeita de romance de cidade pequena e realizações que tudo bem fazes acabarem e mesmo que você acaba em um lugar inesperado não tem nada de errado.... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.8 / 177
ranking 31
ranking 45
ranking 20
ranking 3
ranking 1



Samantha Avelino
cadastrou em:
19/06/2023 21:07:53
editou em:
27/06/2023 20:24:52

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