Every Summer After

Every Summer After Carley Fortune


Every Summer After

Five summers to fall in love. One moment to fall apart. A weekend to get it right.

They say you can never go home again, and for Persephone Fraser, ever since she made the biggest mistake of her life a decade ago, that has felt to true. Instead of glittering summers on the lakeshore of her childhood, she spends them in a stylish apartment in the city, going out with friends, and keeping everyone a safe distance from her heart.

Until she receives the call that sends her racing back to Barry's Bay and into the orbit of Sam Florek―the man she never thought she'd have to live without.

For five summers, through hazy afternoons on the water and warm summer nights working in his family's restaurant and curling up together with books―medical textbooks for him and work-in-progress horror short stories for her―Percy and Sam had been inseparable. Eventually that friendship turned into something breathtakingly more, before it fell spectacularly apart.

When Percy returns to the lake for Sam's mother's funeral, their connection is as undeniable as it had always been. But until Percy can confront the decisions she made and the years she's spent punishing herself for them, they'll never know whether their love might be bigger than the biggest mistakes of their past.

Told over the course of five years and one weekend, Every Summer After is a big, sweeping nostalgic look at love and the people and choices that mark us forever.

Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (2)

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Every Summer After
Every Summer After


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? Every Summer After, 2022. "Some people are lucky like that. They meet their best friend, the love of their life, and are wise enough to never let go." O livro explana a história de Persephone, uma garota que passava suas férias de verão em uma pequena cidade rural chamada ?Barry?s Bay?, assim encontrando-se cada vez mais próxima de uma família que conheceu por lá. Doze anos depois, com o falecimento daquela que ela considerava uma segunda mãe, Percy retornará para aquele lugar chei... leia mais

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Avaliações 3.8 / 503
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cadastrou em:
25/08/2021 20:29:36
editou em:
21/07/2022 11:22:34

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