Saving 6

Saving 6 Chloe Walsh


Saving 6 (The Boys of Tommen #3)

Epic, emotional and addictive romance from the TikTok phenomenon

He's a boy who's lost. She's girl who might just be the home he's never had.

The second born son in a broken marriage, Joey Lynch has spent a lifetime picking up the pieces of a family unravelling. When his older brother Darren skips town, twelve-year-old Joey finds himself thrown into the role of protector to his younger siblings and mother. Plagued by self-loathing, and furious with the world, he grapples with teenage life, his unwavering sense of duty to his family, while balancing precariously close to a life of addiction that threatens to swallow him whole. The only light in his sea of darkness is his boss's firecracker of a daughter who refuses to back down. A girl who just so happens to be his classmate.

Aoife Molloy has never been backwards in coming forward. Her bubbly and self-assured nature has never led her astray. Until her first day of secondary school when she collides with a hot-headed boy who sparks a burning curiosity inside of her that only grows stronger by the day.

Falling into a complicated friendship with her father's apprentice, Aoife works to unravels the secrets around Joey Lynch's life - while he desperately fights to keep her out.

Want more of Joey, Aoife and the rest of The Boys of Tommen? Read the rest of the series so far:
Binding 13
Keeping 13
Saving 6
Redeeming 6


Edições (3)

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Saving 6
Saving 6
Saving 6


(4) ver mais
Binding 13
Keeping 13
Redeeming 6
Taming 7

Resenhas para Saving 6 (105)

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It could be better
on 6/3/23

Eu amo esse casal, juntos e individualmente. a aoife é simplesmente a minha favorita do grupinho e o joe? what a man! a química entre eles, a amizade, as farpas, o início do romance. TUDO. ?quando estou com você sinto que estou morrendo. mas quando estou sem você parece que já estou morta?. eles merecem o final mais feliz do mundo! o livro só não foi melhor porque? mais de 700 páginas pra 6 anos, e é algo que eu não gosto mt quando tem, porque ficam muitas cenas largadas. eu lia uma e ... leia mais


Avaliações 4.4 / 733
ranking 63
ranking 31
ranking 5
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cadastrou em:
12/06/2023 21:16:50
editou em:
12/06/2023 21:17:09

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