The Priory of the Orange Tree

The Priory of the Orange Tree Samantha Shannon


The Priory of the Orange Tree (The Roots of Chaos #1)

A world divided.
A queendom without an heir.
An ancient enemy awakens.

The House of Berethnet has ruled Inys for a thousand years. Still unwed, Queen Sabran the Ninth must conceive a daughter to protect her realm from destruction--but assassins are getting closer to her door.

Ead Duryan is an outsider at court. Though she has risen to the position of lady-in-waiting, she is loyal to a hidden society of mages. Ead keeps a watchful eye on Sabran, secretly protecting her with forbidden magic.

Across the dark sea, Tané has trained all her life to be a dragonrider, but is forced to make a choice that could see her life unravel.

Meanwhile, the divided East and West refuse to parley, and forces of chaos are rising from their sleep.

Fantasia / Ficção / LGBT / GLS / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (2)

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The Priory of the Orange Tree


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Define o gênero 'fantasia épica'
on 26/2/20

Um livro de fantasia do tamanho de The Priory of the Orange Tree promete muita coisa. Antes de mais nada, ele promete ser épico. Pela citação da capa, dizem que merece ser tão famoso quanto Game of Thrones e, ainda que a comparação seja exagerada pela editora (o que não consigo confirmar, já que nunca li GoT), só de existir, ela já me fez esperar uma fantasia medieval, com jogos políticos e batalhas emocionantes. É difícil dizer se Priory entrega tudo que promete. Na minha opinião,... leia mais

Vídeos The Priory of the Orange Tree (1)

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vlog de leitura: lendo aquela fantasia de 800 paginas, compras e recebidos | 2021

vlog de leitura: lendo aquela fantasia de 800


Avaliações 4.4 / 456
ranking 63
ranking 28
ranking 8
ranking 1
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cadastrou em:
09/05/2018 17:44:26
editou em:
16/11/2022 17:38:55

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