The Ten Thousand Doors of January

The Ten Thousand Doors of January Alix E. Harrow


The Ten Thousand Doors of January

In the early 1900s, a young woman searches for her place in the world and the mystery behind a magical door in this captivating literary debut.

In the summer of 1901, at the age of seven, January Scaller found a Door. You know the kind of door–they lead to Faerie, to Valhalla, to Atlantis, to all the places never found on a map.

Years later, January has forgotten her brief glimpse of Elsewhere. Her life is quiet and lonely but safe on her guardian’s estate, until one day she stumbles across a strange book. A book that carries the scent of other worlds in its pages, and tells a tale of secret doors, of love, adventure, and danger. A book that might lead her back to the half-remembered door of her childhood.

But, as January gets answers to questions she never imagined, shadows creep closer. There are truths about the world that should never be revealed.

Fantasia / Ficção

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The Ten Thousand Doors of January


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Eu esperava mais
on 20/1/22

Apesar de não ser super original, eu gostei da ideia e do desenvolvimento do livro em geral, mas a execução deixou um pouco a desejar. O estilo da autora me incomoda. Há algo de enjoativo ou exagerado no uso que ela faz de comparações, sinestesias e metáforas que adiciona um tom de dramaticidade forçada e, pra mim, desvaloriza a prosa. Também não achei nenhum dos personagens muito cativantes. Os vilões são extremamente maus, a heroína, como de praxe, é dotada de poderes excepcionalmen... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
23/09/2018 11:14:04
Nina - Não Quero Trocar Livros
editou em:
18/08/2023 21:46:49

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