12 Bytes

12 Bytes Jeanette Winterson


12 Bytes

How We Got Here. Where We Might Go Next

"Talky, smart, anarchic and quite sexy," said Dwight Garner in theNew York Times about Jeanette Winterson's latest novel,Frankissstein, which perfectly describes too this new collection of essays on the same subject of AI.

In12 Bytes, theNew York Times bestselling author ofWhy Be Happy When You Can Be Normal? Jeanette Winterson, draws on her years of thinking and reading about artificial intelligence in all its bewildering manifestations. In her brilliant, laser focused, uniquely pointed and witty style of story-telling, Winterson looks to history, religion, myth, literature, the politics of race and gender, and computer science, to help us understand the radical changes to the way we live and love that are happening now.

When we create non-biological life-forms, will we do so in our image? Or will we accept the once-in-a-species opportunity to remake ourselves in their image? What do love, caring, sex, and attachment look like when humans form connections with non-human helpers, teachers, sex-workers, and companions? And what will happen to our deep-rooted assumptions about gender? Will the physical body that is our home soon be enhanced by biological and neural implants, keeping us fitter, younger, and connected? Is it time to join Elon Musk and leave Planet Earth?

With wit, compassion and curiosity, Winterson tackles AI's most fascinating talking points, from the algorithms that data-dossier your whole life to the weirdness of backing up your brain.


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12 Bytes


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on 26/7/23

Admito que achei que ia ser um livro completamente diferente. Uma coleção de redações por autora e leitora avisa da área de inteligência artificial. Gostei muito da visão feminista do livro, argumentando sempre pelos direitos e participação da mulher nessa área que está revolucionando o mundo. Achei a formatação meio estranha, mas provavelmente porque é um dos primeiros livros impressos na Europa que já li. Senti falta de comentários sobre a perda de emprego inicial relacionada ao c... leia mais


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