A Hacker Manifesto

A Hacker Manifesto McKenzie Wark


A Hacker Manifesto

A double is haunting the world--the double of abstraction, the virtual reality of information, programming or poetry, math or music, curves or colorings upon which the fortunes of states and armies, companies and communities now depend. The bold aim of this book is to make manifest the origins, purpose, and interests of the emerging class responsible for making this new world--for producing the new concepts, new perceptions, and new sensations out of the stuff of raw data.

A Hacker Manifesto deftly defines the fraught territory between the ever more strident demands by drug and media companies for protection of their patents and copyrights and the pervasive popular culture of file sharing and pirating. This vexed ground, the realm of so-called "intellectual property," gives rise to a whole new kind of class conflict, one that pits the creators of information--the hacker class of researchers and authors, artists and biologists, chemists and musicians, philosophers and programmers--against a possessing class who would monopolize what the hacker produces.

Drawing in equal measure on Guy Debord and Gilles Deleuze, A Hacker Manifesto offers a systematic restatement of Marxist thought for the age of cyberspace and globalization. In the widespread revolt against commodified information, McKenzie Wark sees a utopian promise, beyond the property form, and a new progressive class, the hacker class, who voice a shared interest in a new information commons.

Economia, Finanças / Filosofia / Informática e Tecnologia / Não-ficção / Política

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"Information Wants To Be Free"
on 30/4/23

Leitura iniciante-intermediária desafiadora e surpreendentemente motivadora e acessível para quem gosta de pesquisar e estudar, sendo enfim um lindo mergulho teórico em atualizações cripto-marxistas para o século XXI. Wark segue atualíssima quase 20 anos depois da publicação deste, e não há página onde não venha alguma reflexão, alguma contextualização interessante, ou alguma frase para se reler inúmeras vezes. Segue link gratuito do PDF do livro.... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
18/02/2012 21:43:04
editou em:
25/09/2022 21:56:41

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