A Stone is Most Precious Where it Belongs

A Stone is Most Precious Where it Belongs Gulchehra Hoja


A Stone is Most Precious Where it Belongs

A Memoir of Uyghur Exile, Hope, and Survival

The extraordinary memoir of a woman who gave up everything to help her people

In February 2018, twenty-four members of Gulchehra Hoja's family disappeared overnight. Her crime - and thus that of her family - was her award-winning investigations on the plight of her people, the Uyghurs, whose existence and culture is being systematically destroyed by the Chinese government.

A Stone is Most Precious Where it Belongs is Gulchehra's stunning memoir, taking us into the everyday world of life under Chinese rule in East Turkestan (more formally as the Xinjiang Autonomous Region of China), from her idyllic childhood to its modern nightmare. The grandchild of a renowned musician and the daughter of an esteemed archaeologist, Gulchehra grew up with her people's culture and history running through her veins. She showed her gifts early on as a dancer, actress, and storyteller, putting her on a path to success as a major television star. Slowly though, she began to understand what China was doing to her people, as well as her own complicity as a journalist. As her rising fame and growing political awakening coincided, she made it her mission to expose the crimes Beijing is committing in the far reaches of its nation, no matter the cost.

Reveling in the beauty of East Turkestan and its people - its music, its culture, its heritage, and above all its emphasis on community and family - this groundbreaking memoir gives us a glimpse beyond what the Chinese state wants us to see, showcasing a woman who was willing to risk not just her own life, but also that of everyone she loves, to expose her people's story to the world.

Biografia, Autobiografia, Memórias

Edições (1)

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A Stone is Most Precious Where it Belongs


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Gabrieli Gudniak
cadastrou em:
09/08/2023 08:38:59
Gabrieli Gudniak
editou em:
09/08/2023 08:39:49

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