A Time to Cherish / Sweet Dreams / A Promise Is Forever

A Time to Cherish / Sweet Dreams / A Promise Is Forever Robin Jones Gunn


A Time to Cherish / Sweet Dreams / A Promise Is Forever (Christy Miller Collection #4)

A Time to Cherish

For Labor Day weekend, Christy Miller is on a houseboat at Lake Shasta. What could be better? She’s about to find out! Before they know it, both Christy and her best friend, Katie, are receiving some unexpected male attention. But somehow these best friends are at odds just when they should be having the most fun together. Christy soon realizes that sometimes you have to stand back and let people make their own decisions, even when they’re headed for a fall. And although life is never perfect, this is definitely a time to cherish.

Sweet Dreams

Christy Miller’s senior year is delicious, especially the time she spends with Todd. But her best friend, Katie, is struggling—she’s realized she needs to break up with Michael. It’s not easy! Fortunately both Doug and Disneyland help Katie to cheer up. Christy is learning to let go and get out of the way so that her friends can become who they’re meant to be...even when it jeopardizes her own sweet dreams.

A Promise Is Forever

Christy Miller’s going to Europe! It’s a three-week missions trip with Doug, Katie, and Tracy. First stop: London for some sightseeing, and then a castle in the English countryside for group training. Christy is so excited to be headed for Belfast with her friends—despite some tension among them. But when plans go topsy-turvy at the last minute, Christy must face her fears and realize that some things are more important than her own comfort...and that even when she can’t foresee the end result, a promise truly is forever.


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A Time to Cherish / Sweet Dreams / A Promise Is Forever


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Cíntia Mara
cadastrou em:
22/02/2012 19:32:40
Cíntia Mara
editou em:
11/10/2016 19:48:40

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