A Veiled & Hallowed Eve

A Veiled & Hallowed Eve Hailey Turner


A Veiled & Hallowed Eve (Soulbound #7)

Death is the last lover you will ever know.

SOA Special Agent Patrick Collins has lived a life full of lies, and it has finally caught up with him. There’s no denying his past any longer, not after giving up the truth to save himself from a murder charge. But truth alone can’t set Patrick free, and time is running out to stop the Dominion Sect from turning his father into a god.

Jonothon de Vere knows survival isn’t a guarantee, but he’s desperate to keep Patrick safe, even as hope slips through his fingers. With the future unknown, Jono will follow Patrick wherever he goes, even to Salem, where a family reunion reveals a bitter secret that was never going to stay buried.

With New York City under control of their god pack, Patrick and Jono must fall back on every alliance they’ve brokered to fill the front lines of a war coming directly to the city streets. The veil is always thinnest on Samhain, and what awaits them on the other side is the stuff of nightmares. For when it tears, all hell will break loose, and the gods will be summoned to face a reckoning the world isn’t ready for.

The stakes have never been higher, failure has never been so deadly, and the Fates have never been kind to heroes. Patrick knows that better than anyone—because everything has a price, every debt always comes due, and it’s finally time for Patrick to pay his.

Drama / Fantasia / LGBT / GLS / Línguas Estrangeiras / Romance / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (1)

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A Veiled & Hallowed Eve


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Resurrection Reprise

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Resenha: A Veiled & Hallowed Eve
on 19/10/21

Não estou bem :D A série Soulbound faz parte da minha vida desde outubro de 2018, quando li A Ferry of Bones & Gold pela primeira vez. Ela teve seus (principalmente) altos e (apenas um, na verdade) baixos ao longo dos anos, mas no geral aqueceu meu coração e me trouxe alegria a cada edição que passava. Eu estava tão animada para finalmente chegar ao final, mas também triste para dizer adeus a Patrick e Jono e aos problemas que os seguiram. A Veiled & Hallowed Eve foi tudo que eu pod... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.6 / 9
ranking 78
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Carol Aquino
cadastrou em:
03/10/2021 20:20:00
editou em:
22/09/2023 18:06:43

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