Across the Land and the Water

Across the Land and the Water W. G. Sebald


Across the Land and the Water

Selected Poems, 1964-2001

A publishing landmark—the first major collection of poems by one of the late twentieth century’s literary masters.

German-born W. G. Sebald is best known as the innovative author of Austerlitz, the prose classic of World War II culpability and conscience that The Guardian called “a new literary form, part hybrid novel, part memoir, part travelogue.” Its publication put Sebald in the company of Nabokov, Calvino, and Borges. Yet Sebald’s brilliance as a poet has been largely unacknowledged—until now.

Skillfully translated by Iain Galbraith, the nearly one hundred poems in Across the Land and the Water range from those Sebald wrote as a student in the sixties to those completed right before his untimely death in 2001. Featuring eighty-eight poems published in English for the first time and thirty-three from unpublished manuscripts, this collection also brings together all the verse he placed in books and journals during his lifetime.

Here are Sebald’s trademark themes—from nature and history (“Events of war within/a life cracks/across the Order of the World/spreading from Cassiopeia/a diffuse pain reaching into/the upturned leaves on the trees”), to wandering and wondering (“I have even begun/to speak in foreign tongues/roaming like a nomad in my own/town . . .”), to oblivion and memory (“If you knew every cranny/of my heart/you would yet be ignorant/of the pain my happy/memories bring”).

Soaring and searing, the poetry of W. G. Sebald is an indelible addition to his superb body of work, and this unique collection is bound to become a classic in its own right.

Literatura Estrangeira / Poemas, poesias

Edições (2)

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Across the Land and the Water
Across the Land and the Water


Resenhas para Across the Land and the Water (1)

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across the land and the water
on 7/9/17

Os poemas reunidos em "Across the Land and the Water" foram escritos por W.G. Sebald entre 1964 e 2001. Trata-se de um livro de 2008, publicado postumamente, organizado pelo editor Sven Meyer. Estão nele reunidos tanto poemas que já haviam sido incluídos em produções anteriores, como material inédito, hoje depositado nos arquivos Sebald da "Deutsche Literaturarchiv Marbach". Os dois livros de poemas dele que já registrei aqui: o pequeno e belo "Sin contar / Unerzählt", de 2003, e o lo... leia mais


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