All Last Summer

All Last Summer Stephanie J. Scott


All Last Summer (Love on Summer Break #1)

Sometimes life doesn’t go according to plan.

My summer was planned from packing lists to trip itineraries. Or so I’d thought.

It’s the night before my trip abroad, and my boyfriend Matt showed up at a party with another girl. The boyfriend I’m supposed to spend seven weeks with in Brazil.

No way can I board that plane.

With my trip tickets ripped up and the money down the drain, I owe my parents big-time. The only job hiring is Teed Off!, the driving range that just-so-happens to employ Matt’s trio of best friends.

Matt’s friends don’t like my presence on their artificial turf, so pranking me becomes their second part-time job. They definitely don’t want me winning the bonus money our boss is offering for an idea to improve the business.

By chance on a summer night, Matt’s head crony best friend Aidan is there for me when no one else is around. Turns out, he and Matt haven’t been close for a while. Aidan begins to see through to the real me—the me I’d kept from Matt to be the person I’ve always longed to be—popular with a boyfriend, all according to plan.

Now I have a new problem. I'm falling for the enemy.

All Last Summer is a young adult summer job romance and the first book in the Love on Summer Break series. This can be read as a standalone.

Ficção / Infantojuvenil / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (2)

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All Last Summer
All Last Summer


Resenhas para All Last Summer (4)

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on 25/4/24

Eu simplesmente amei esses dois. o aidan foi de longe o adolescente mais incrível e emocionalmente desenvolvido que eu já li, então o modo como tudo acabou no fim e como eles foram se aproximando foi uma delícia de ler. eu amei como ela evoluiu e a história como um todo. eles são dois fofos.... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.5 / 28
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cadastrou em:
19/04/2024 11:19:23
editou em:
19/04/2024 11:19:42

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