An Echo in the Sorrow

An Echo in the Sorrow Hailey Turner


An Echo in the Sorrow (Soulbound #6)

Forgiveness is a hollow prayer you only hear in your dreams.

Patrick Collins has spent years handling cases as a special agent for the Supernatural Operations Agency, even as his secret standing in the preternatural community has changed. He should have confessed to his role as co-leader of the New York City god pack when he and Jonothon de Vere took up the mantle months ago, but he didn't. Now that split loyalty will cost him at a time when he can least afford it.

Outmaneuvered, framed for murder, and targeted by the Dominion Sect, Patrick has to face a past full of lies to regain his freedom. Revealing the truth means he'll need to give up the life that has defined him. Everything he's fought to build with his pack is at stake, and losing them isn't a price Patrick is willing to pay, but some choices aren't his to make.

Jono knows they can't cede any more territory if they want to win the god pack civil war spilling into the streets of New York City. But the souls of werecreatures are free for the taking when demons come to town and angels sing a warning no one can ignore. When Jono's worst fear comes to life, and he loses the one person he can't live without, the only option left is to fight.

Facing down the demons of their past and the ones in their present, Patrick and Jono will learn the hard way that some sins never wash away clean.

Erótico / Fantasia / Ficção / LGBT / GLS / Romance

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An Echo in the Sorrow


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Resenha: An Echo in the Sorrow
on 17/4/21

Eu amo!!! quando as coisas acontecem !!! An Echo in the Sorrow é agora meu livro favorito da série, obrigado! Tantas coisas que eu queria ver desde o momento em que comecei a série aconteceram neste livro. Houve um grande conflito de enredo que se estendeu por todos os 6 livros que foram resolvidos aqui e foi tudo! que eu precisava e muito mais. Estou muito feliz com a forma como Turner desenvolveu tudo sldfjsldfjlsf socorro Adorei cada detalhe deste livro do início ao fim. Eu li... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.6 / 13
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Carol Aquino
cadastrou em:
10/03/2021 12:38:47
editou em:
22/09/2023 18:07:15

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