As You Desire (English Edition)

As You Desire (English Edition) Connie Brockway


As You Desire (English Edition)

A rake in tarnished armor Desdemona Carlisle has spent most of her young life dreaming of a knight in shining armor. When a dashing figure in midnight-black riding a snow-white steed comes to rescue her from the ruffians who have kidnapped her, she believes her destiny has finally arrived. She surrenders herself to the masked strangers embrace only to discover her rescuer is none other than Harry Braxton, the scoundrel who stole her heart when she was just a girl, adding it to his collection of exotic treasures as if it were just another trinket. Harry Braxton doesnt want to be any womans knight-errant. He plays the role of notorious rake to hide the dangerous secret that has kept him from offering Desdemona his own heart. But his tarnished armor soon begins to crumple beneath the irresistible assault of Desdemonas sparkling wit, her dazzling beauty, her teasing and tender touch. As a legendary treasure hunter, he never dreamed hed be forced to give up the most priceless treasure of all. When Lord Ravenscroft, Harrys aristocratic cousin, comes courting, Desdemona makes a startling discovery. She might yearn for a hero, but what she really needs is a manthe only man who can fulfill all of her desires Connie Brockways work brims with warmth, wit, sensuality and intelligence.Amanda Quick, New York Times bestselling author If its smart, sexy, and impossible to put down, its a book by Connie Brockway!Christina Dodd, New York Times bestselling author If youre looking for passion, tenderness, wit, and warmth, you need look no further. Connie Brockway is simply the best.Teresa Medeiros, New York Times bestselling author Connie Brockways work belongs on every readers shelf!Romantic Times Connie Brockway delivers romance with strength, wit, and intelligence.Tami Hoag, New York Times bestselling author Brockways lush, lyrical writing style is a perfect match for her vivid characters, beautiful atmospheric setting, and sensuous love scenes. Library Journal

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