Avoid sailing on the Titanic!

Avoid sailing on the Titanic! David Stewart


Avoid sailing on the Titanic! (The Danger Zone)

With informative captions, a glossary and an index, this book tells the story of the first and only voyage of the ill-fated RMS Titanic through the eyes of J. Bruce Ismay, the managing director of the White Star Line shipping company. The text charts the events in the life of the ship from its construction and launch through to its tragic watery end. Information on building the ship and its supposedly unsinkable design is also given. It discusses the unfolding of a significant historical event and covers the lives of important people from the scientific and engineering history of Britain.

About the Author
Avoid sailing on the Titanic! tells the story of the first and only voyage of the ill-fated RMS Titanic through the eyes of J. Bruce Ismay, the managing director of the White Star Line shipping company. - The descriptive text charts the events of the ship and its voyage from its construction and launch to tragic watery end. - Information on building the ship and its supposedly 'unsinkable' design is also given. - The book features humorous full-colour illustrations and interesting handy hints. - Informative captions, a complete glossary and an index make this title an ideal introduction to the story of the Titanic. AVOID SAILING ON THE TITANIC! AND THE NATIONAL CURRICULUM: - Avoid sailing on the Titanic! discusses the unfolding of a highly significant historical event and covers the lives of important people from the scientific and engineering history of Britain, an approach and topic specified in the Key Stage 2 - History guidelines. David Stewart has written many non-fiction books for children. He lives in Brighton with his wife and young son. David Antram was born in Brighton in 1958. He studied at Eastbourne College of Art and then worked in advertising for 15 years before becoming a full-time artist. He has illustrated many children's non-fiction books.

Fonte: amazon.com

História / Infantojuvenil

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Avoid sailing on the Titanic!



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