Be Mine, Twisted Valentine

Be Mine, Twisted Valentine Gianni Holmes


Be Mine, Twisted Valentine (Corrupt Cupid #1)

Fifteen years ago, I helped put my abductor behind bars.

With the help of my hypnotherapist, I’ve sealed away the memories of my traumatic past.

Until the dreaded phone call.

Duncan Whittaker’s out on parole.

The first time I confront him, I intend to kill him.

Then something snaps inside me.

The memories I’ve been repressing have returned.

Duncan Whittaker’s the only man who’s ever made me feel desire.

He’s also the one who held me captive for almost a year.

Isolated me to make me grateful for his presence.

Deprived me of sensation to make me crave his unwanted touch.

Duncan Whittaker’s a sadist who’s broken something inside me.

For the second time, he’s about to ruin my life.

And God help me, I can’t stop him.

I don’t want to stop him.

Be mine, Twisted Valentine is a part of a multiauthor collab. Ditch the hearts and flowers and step into the dark world of Corrupt Cupid. Each book can be read as a stand-alone, but why not grab each and every deranged romantic tale as you slip into a place where darkness rules?

Edições (1)

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Be Mine, Twisted Valentine


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Resenhas para Be Mine, Twisted Valentine (7)

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mais tóxico que chernobyl
on 8/2/23

esse foi um dos romances mais TÓXICOS que eu já li, não tem como passar pano ou dar aquela romantizada, é tóxico, podre, os dois são doidinhos da cabeça. esse livro é parte de uma série conjunta de várias autoras pro valentine's day, todos os livros dessa série são tóxicos e eu sabia disso, mas eu esperava aquela boa dose de "mas no final é amor" e aquela racionalizada que a gente sempre tem nos darks romances, enfim. aqui temos um caso clássico de síndrome de estocolmo, mas de verda... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.6 / 18
ranking 33
ranking 28
ranking 33
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ranking 6



cadastrou em:
07/02/2023 13:44:32
editou em:
07/02/2023 13:45:19

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