Becoming Dangerous: Witchy Femmes, Queer Conjurers, and Magical Rebels (English Edition)

Becoming Dangerous: Witchy Femmes, Queer Conjurers, and Magical Rebels (English Edition) Katie West...


Becoming Dangerous: Witchy Femmes, Queer Conjurers, and Magical Rebels (English Edition)

"A fierce and voluble refutation of the patriarchy and its soul-crushing oppression of female power. These writers make clear that as witches, femmes, and queers, they will use their own strength, ingenious rituals, beauty routines, and spells to rise above and beyond the limits of racism/classism and objectifications set by a male-dominated society. While bound by a thread of magic, these are inspiring feminist writings for readers of feminist literature, however identified. --Library Journal Edgy and often deeply personal, the twenty-one essays collected here come from a wide variety of writers. Some identify as witches, others identify as writers, musicians, game developers, or artists. What they have in common is that theyve created personal rituals to summon their own power in a world that would prefer them powerless. Here, they share the rituals they use to resist self-doubt, grief, and depression in the face of sexism, slut shaming, racism, patriarchy, and other systems of oppression. Contents Introduction Notes from the Editors Content Warning UnfuckableCara Ellison Trash-Magic: Signs & Rituals for the UnwantedMaranda Elizabeth Uncensoring My UglinessLaura Mandanas Femme as in Fuck You: Fucking with the Patriarchy One Lipstick Application at a TimeCatherine Hernandez Before I Was a Woman, I Was a WitchAvery Edison Undressing My HeartGabriela Herstik GardenMarguerite Bennett Reddit, Retin-A, and Resistance: An Alchemists Guide to SkincareSam Maggs The Future is Coming for YouDeb Chachra My Witchs Sabbath of Short Skirts, Long Kisses, and BDSMMey Rude Buzzcut SeasonLarissa Pham The HarpyMeredith Yayanos Fingertipsmerritt Red GlitterSophie Saint Thomas Touching Pennies, Painting NailsSim Bajwa Ritual in DarknessKim Boekbinder GayumaSara David Pushing Beauty Up Through the CracksKatelan Foisy Ritualising My HumanityJ. A. Micheline Simulating ControlNora Khan I Am, Myself, a Body of WaterLeigh Alexander Contributors Acknowledgements

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