
Bedeviled Kate Pearce...



Greetings, In regards to the Matter of the un-entailed Estate of the late-Jonathan Hambly, 10th Earl of Banfield, be advised that your attendance is urgently required at the reading of his lordships Last Will & Testament, to take place on November 1st of this year at Castle Keyvnor in Bocka Morrow, Cornwall. Regards, Mr. Timothy Hunt, Esq. When the late-Earl of Banfields distant relations descend upon Bocka Morrow, theyll find gypsies, witches, pixies, smugglers, and one very haunted castle. And if theyre lucky, they might just fall in love while theyre there. BEDEVILED, The Haunting of Castle Keyvnor includes: Kate Pearces A Ghost of a Chance Violet DeLisle is secretly delighted to have the opportunity to meet up with some of the more obscure branches of her family tree. Shes been in love with her stepmothers second cousin, Charlie, since she was a child. But her beautiful half-sister has clearly set her sights on Charlie and he is obviously dazzled. Forced to hide from the lovebirds, she huddles under the stairs and meets a kindred spirit who not only turns out to be a rather feisty ghost, but a master of courtship. Deb Marlowe's Lady Tamsyn and the Pixie's Curse Her father inherited an earldom and a castle. Has Lady Tamsyn inherited a curse? It's what it feels like when she discovers that she can see the truth behind the lies that men tell. All she wanted on arrival at Keyvnor was to avoid Mr. Gryffyn Cardew, but in a sea of lies, he is the one who always tells her the truth. Together they find that her curse might just be a giftand their love the key to preventing a tragedy. Michelle Willingham's A Dance With the Devil Devon Lancaster is fascinated by the beautiful vicar's daughter, Jane Hawkins, who has been summoned to the will reading of the late Lord Banfield. But is she truly only a vicar's daughter? Or does her past hold secrets that put her very life in danger? Jane knows she is unlikely to find a husband among the handsome men at Castle Keyvnor because of her poverty. But when she is locked in the cellar with Devon, she finds that the Devil of Lancaster sets her blood on fire. The Haunting of Castle Keyvnor includes twelve Regency romance novellas. Dont miss the anthologies Vexed, Mystified, and Spellbound.

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