Between Dawn and Dusk

Between Dawn and Dusk Jamie Schlosser


Between Dawn and Dusk #0.5

I've got a problem. A big muscly problem, with icy blue eyes, long dark hair, and tight leather pants.Keryth is the Night Realm king. My father's greatest enemy. And my fated mate.It isn't easy being a fae princess of the Day Realm. Our kingdom has suffered hardships, but if my father won't approve of the mating bond with Keryth, they'll be putting another body in a casket-mine. If we're kept apart, we'll both die. Not to be dramatic or anything. Destiny just doesn't like to be denied, and our sanity will wither away if we don't give in.Too bad my father doesn't care about that. His solution is to lock me away forever.When Keryth comes to rescue me, I know we can take on anything as long as we're together. But old rivalries die hard, and the past sins of our families come back to haunt us, affecting our future and the ones we love the most.

Fantasia / Jovem adulto / Romance

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Between Dawn and Dusk


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"I'll always go to you. Wherever you are, whatever the risk."
on 28/12/20

Embora a proposta da história tenha sido boa, me passou a impressão que esse livro não passou apenas de um rascunho para autora desenvolver os próximos da série. Os acontecimentos foram muito repentinos, apressados, não existia um clímax de verdade e nem houve uma grande história de amor onde você fica debruçado na leitura, absorvendo cada momento. Aqui foi tudo rápido, meio inacreditável e tudo para explicar o plot do próximo livro (que eu ainda não li, mas tenho altas expectativas... leia mais


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27/04/2020 23:03:10
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