Bound by Ravens

Bound by Ravens Jesikah Sundin


Bound by Ravens (Starry Kingdoms of the Fae #7)

Two rival thieves
One fated heist gone wrong
And a curse that threatens to steal more than their freedom

It was a simple job.

All I had to do was steal a ring from a mainland witch for the Thieves’ Guild that owned me. Easy enough, right? The reward would bring me closer to earning my freedom. And stars above, I wanted off this floating luxury island.

But then he showed up, a cocky thief from a rival guild, and ruined all my plans.

Every. Single. One.

I lost the ring and my chance at freedom. But on the bright side, if we fail to retrieve three magical artifacts for the witch, I’ll be forever cursed to exist no more than fifteen feet from that unnaturally beautiful, arrogant elf. As an additional treat, we’ll be hunted down by our own guilds when this curse prevents us from returning. I honestly didn’t believe things could get worse. Until he offered a solution to our not-so-little problem—a bargain to save our lives.

I would laugh, except I didn’t realize there was anything left in my life to steal.

BOUND BY RAVENS is the 7th book in the Starry Kingdoms of the Fae Collection. These books are all standalone novellas written by your favorite fantasy authors and are a fantastic read for your summer vacation. Prepare to be swept away into magical worlds with tropes you obsess over and swoon-worthy romance.

Fantasia / Romance

Edições (1)

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Bound by Ravens


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Bound by Ravens
on 25/10/23

Esse é um dos que eu baixei durante o stuff your kindle day e eu adorei!! Bound by Ravens é parte de uma coleção em que todos os livros podem ser lidos separadamente e que atendeu todas as minhas expectativas. Confesso que eu baixei só por achar a capa bonita, mas acabei me envolvendo muito com a história e com os personagens. Eu torci muito pela Taryn e pelo Finn e ri muito com as suas provocações, a marca registrada da linguagem do amor deles. A história é interessante e bem envo... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
14/08/2023 20:29:08
editou em:
14/08/2023 20:30:06