Boys Over Flowers 17

Boys Over Flowers 17 Yoko Kamio


Boys Over Flowers 17

Hana Yori Danga 17

While it should be mentioned that I like this series, it should also be mentioned that this series is incredibly long and prone to filler material. There's only so many times that some rival can come and try to steal one of the main characters (usually Tsukushi) from the other, not to mention that the pairing of Tsukushi and Tsukasa takes about 20+ volumes to even really start! There is an occasional reluctant date, but no actual pairing until the later volumes, which was cute at first, but tended to grate on my nerves later on. However, there is enough in this series to enchant most readers even as it draws the plotline thin at times.

This particular volume continues the triangle of Tsukushi, Tsukasa, and Shigeru (a rich rival for Tsukasa's affections). While the triangle is interesting, it's just so frustrating to see that Tsukushi still isn't honest with herself about Tsukasa and it's also frustrating to see YET ANOTHER person trying to horn in on their blossoming romance. It would have been a lot punchier... if the premise hadn't happened 4-8 times already in the series. Still, the series is a lot like potato chips in that even when it's not filling it is still enjoyable, similar to how one would enjoy a trashy soap opera.

Would I recommend this to a friend? Maybe. Unless they are a die-hard fan or are (like me) getting the volumes since they've already invested so much, I'd hesitate to truly recommend this series since it's so long & expensive to collect. If you are unsure I'd really recommend reading a friend's collection until you are sure whether or not you want it.

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Boys Over Flowers 17


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