Boys That Tease

Boys That Tease Betti Rosewood


Boys That Tease (Lords of Wildwood #1)

He's young. Dirty. Rich. And all he cares about is ruining her life.

She knew being the new girl at Wildwood would never be easy, considering who she is.
But nobody warned Tinsley Sullivan I'm not her friend anymore. I'm the enemy, and I can't wait to bully her until she does as I say.

They say my name like I'm their king. Crispin Dalton. Lacrosse god. Insta-famous. Drop dead gorgeous, and only eighteen.
Teachers and students worship the ground I walk on. They all follow my lead... Except for her.

Teen actress. Pop star sensation. Broken beyond belief. She's as beautiful as she is damaged, and I can't help but push those buttons.
I didn't think Tinsley would have it in her to fight back. It's kind of adorable that she won't budge, refusing to break for me, to submit to my cruel desires.
Except I'll never stop pushing for more. I'm ready to make her life so miserable, she'll be begging me to stop hurting her.

There's just one thing that's messing it all up. My crush on Tinsley is still just as intense as it was before everything went to hell.
But Tinsley is off limits.

Not just because of the scandal that ruined her acting career.
But also because I'm kind of, sort of, dating her best friend...

First in a series of interconnected high school romances. This is a new adult, high school romance with an enemies-to-lovers relationship.


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Boys That Tease


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Boys That Read

Resenhas para Boys That Tease (3)

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on 28/3/21

O título do livro deveria ser Crybaby, do tanto que o Crispim chamava a Tins de chorona. Acabou se tornando um apelido carinhoso entre eles no final. Esse é um daqueles livros que você fica em branco no final, porque isso foi bom ou não.... leia mais


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Avaliações 2.7 / 17
ranking 18
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ranking 41
ranking 29
ranking 12



Nat Cocito
cadastrou em:
01/06/2020 15:25:30