Bran Mak Morn: The Last King

Bran Mak Morn: The Last King Robert E. Howard


Bran Mak Morn: The Last King

From Robert E. Howard’s fertile imagination sprang some of fiction’s greatest heroes, including Conan the Cimmerian, King Kull, and Solomon Kane. But of all Howard’s characters, none embodied his creator’s brooding temperament more than Bran Mak Morn, the last king of a doomed race.

In ages past, the Picts ruled all of Europe. But the descendants of those proud conquerors have sunk into barbarism . . . all save one, Bran Mak Morn, whose bloodline remains unbroken. Threatened by the Celts and the Romans, the Pictish tribes rally under his banner to fight for their very survival, while Bran fights to restore the glory of his race.

Lavishly illustrated by award-winning artist Gary Gianni, this collection gathers together all of Howard’s published stories and poems featuring Bran Mak Morn–including the eerie masterpiece “Worms of the Earth” and “Kings of the Night,” in which sorcery summons Kull the conqueror from out of the depths of time to stand with Bran against the Roman invaders.

Also included are previously unpublished stories and fragments, reproductions of manuscripts bearing Howard’s handwritten revisions, and much, much more.

Special Bonus: a newly discovered adventure by Howard, presented here for the very first time.

Fantasia / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (2)

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Bran Mak Morn
Bran Mak Morn: The Last King


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Resenhas para Bran Mak Morn: The Last King (17)

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BRAN MAK MORN - O Último Rei dos Pictos
on 24/1/22

Vou começar pela qualidade e o esmero de sempre da editora Pipoca & Nanquim; como sempre o trabalho é impecável no que diz respeito ao acabamento, capa, miolo, diagramação, etc... Agora com relação ao material intelectua,l que é a obra em si, gostaria de ter gostado mais. O livro constitui diversos contos do Howard, onde gostei de 2 ou 3. Os extras, composto pelas cartas, achei que seriam reveladores sobre seus textos, não acrescentam muito ao conteúdo, acho que só ajudou a deixar o l... leia mais

Vídeos Bran Mak Morn: The Last King (4)

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Avaliações 4.0 / 98
ranking 36
ranking 39
ranking 24
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cadastrou em:
11/06/2011 20:35:42