Bruce Dickinson Insights

Bruce Dickinson Insights Brigitte Schön


Bruce Dickinson Insights

An Interpretation Of His Solo Albums

Bruce Dickinson, best known as the lead vocalist of Iron Maiden, seems to have unbounded energy, ideas and imagination. He mesmerises thousands of fans with his integrity, vitality and wit. Wouldn't it be great to know what makes him tick? Those who know Bruce Dickinson know: this man doesn't do things by halves. Thus, he was voted a living example of a polymath by Intelligent Life magazine in 2009. Bruce has been recognised as a singer, a TV presenter, a record producer, a pilot and a fencer. Therefore, it should be no surprise that his lyrics also stand out. His subject matters are challenging --- he reflects on life and death, freedom and destiny, man and God, sex and religion. Asked about the complexity of his lyrics, Bruce said in an interview: "I ask myself, does it rock? And if it does, who gives a s**t what's it's about? All information's there if people choose to dig for it." The treasures you can find are absolutely worth the digging. Bruce also added: "And if they don't then it doesn't matter, so long as they enjoy it." Bruce Dickinson is an undisputed master of heavy metal; his voice and music are a natural force. The subjects are extremely interesting and Bruce succeeds in artfully getting to the heart of them. This is why this book is dedicated to Bruce as a songwriter, as a poet of lyrics, some of which represent little masterpieces - even without music. They point beyond themselves by means of powerful imagery. Their ambiguity holds some surprises. The best way to get to know the real Bruce Dickinson probably is to have a beer with him. But he admitted that through his lyrics "you can certainly maybe get an idea of what is going {sic} on with myself," and that's why all fans of Bruce, and Iron Maiden, should read this book.

Artes / Biografia, Autobiografia, Memórias

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Bruce Dickinson Insights



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