Brynn and Sebastian Hate Each Other

Brynn and Sebastian Hate Each Other Bethany Turner


Brynn and Sebastian Hate Each Other

A Love Story

She's a sunny morning-show host. He's a cynical ex-reporter. They're destined to hate each other . . . Aren't they?

Brynn Cornell has to be stuck in a nightmare. Just last week, she was riding high as cohost of the popular morning show Sunup. She's America's Ray of Sunshine—the girl-next-door beauty who drives up TV ratings while never exuding anything but her trademark positivity and poise. All it took was one huge on-air mistake to expose her snarky side to the world and make it all come crumbling down. Now she's back in her hometown of Adelaide Springs, Colorado, in a last-ditch attempt to convince viewers she's not the mean girl they think she is. All she has to do is apologize and capture some feel-good footage reminding everyone she's just a girl from humble beginnings who's grateful for her big break, and she might manage to preserve both her career and her image. But this town holds painful memories that she's not ready to face.

Sebastian Sudworth was on the fast track to the journalist hall of fame. A superstar reporter with a reputation for being in the center of the action, his fearless, relentless coverage of major events around the globe was winning him awards and accolades—until something snapped inside him and he vanished from the scene under mysterious circumstances. Sebastian sought refuge in tiny Adelaide Springs, working odd jobs and trying to blend in as a scruffy mountain town citizen.

When Sebastian is assigned to chauffeur Brynn around town, Brynn is sure he can see right through her carefully cultivated, sunny persona. But she's determined to do what it takes to maintain her image and save her career—so she'll just have to charm the socks off Sebastian the same way she charmed her viewers. Easier said than done. It's no picnic to play nice around someone you hate... especially when you might be crazy about them.

Parks and Rec meets The Morning Show in this stand-alone enemies-to-lovers rom-com
Also by Bethany Turner: The Do-Over and Plot Twist


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Brynn and Sebastian Hate Each Other


Resenhas para Brynn and Sebastian Hate Each Other (3)

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Eu realmente queria ter gostado mais desse livro, apesar de ser um romance bem sólido, não me cativou o suficiente, Brynn é uma personagem que foi bem complicada de gostar ao longo da leitura e acho que faltou um pouco mais de desenvolvimento com o personagem do Sebastian para que eu pudesse criar algum vínculo. Gostaria muito de ter apreciado mais essa leitura, mas não é um livro muito para mim. Obrigada ao NetGalley e a editora pelo envio da arc em troca de uma resenha honesta.... leia mais


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Fayne Rafaela
cadastrou em:
09/03/2023 19:08:37
Fayne Rafaela
editou em:
09/03/2023 19:08:58