Bump in the Night

Bump in the Night Lily Mayne...


Bump in the Night (Black Oasis #2)

(MX Monster Romance)

You never know what’s hiding in your closet...
At twenty-six, Ivy has their life figured out. They have a decent paying job at the London office of Somnus Entertainment--the gaming company behind the wildly popular game Black Oasis--a draughty flat they inherited from their wild great aunt, and a few select friends to pass the time. They’re a responsible adult, thank you very much, and while they might get lonely at times, they know better than to put too much stock into that fanciful notion known as love.

But when a skeevy encounter during a fun night at the pub devolves into a violent hate crime, their life changes forever.

Waking up in a demon dimension, beaten within an inch of their life, is bad enough. But add a snarky, haughty healer with the universe's worst bedside manner, and Ivy knows they’re in for a long, excruciating recovery. Lau the Dreamwraith is prickly, arrogant, and entirely infuriating, but for some strange reason, he seems hellbent on nursing Ivy back to health. Despite Lau’s whinging over their “inferior human qualities,” there is a heat building between them that neither are able to fight. Like a match meeting kerosine, their chemistry ignites, but Ivy’s stay in the demon world is temporary and fire always burns out eventually.

Love is a dream, after all; it has no business in nightmares. Right?

Join Ivy and Lau as they nurture the sparks between them until they explode into an unexpected passion that crosses dimensions in Bump in the Night, the second book in Knight and Mayne’s co-authored queer, monster romance series, Black Oasis.

Bump in the Night is an M/X monster romance full of hurt/comfort, angst, humor, and a sweet, spicy love between a fiery Brit and their arrogant sleep demon. This love story contains explicit content and is not suitable for young readers. Be sure to check the Trigger Warnings at the beginning of the book for more details

Ficção / LGBT / GLS / Romance

Edições (1)

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Bump in the Night


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cadastrou em:
12/05/2024 01:28:13
editou em:
12/05/2024 01:30:09

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