Case stories of reparative therapy

Case stories of reparative therapy Joseph Nicolosi


Case stories of reparative therapy

"Dr. Nicolosi has abandoned the neutral posture of classical psychoanalysts and treats only those men who wish to give up homosexuality. An independent thinker, he has gone against the current fashion of promoting the unsubstantiated, unverifiable opinion that homosexuality is genetic, or preferred, or simply another way of loving. He has produced a book whose clarity, simplicity and honesty will be of real value to the public and professionals alike."

-Toby Bieber, Ph.D.

"This book should be required reading for anyone treating homosexuals (including gay therapists). It offers hope to many homosexuals who may have succumbed to despair. It enlightens in a highly readable, page-turning form those already familiar with some of the dynamics of the condition as well as the methods most effective for its amelioration and care."

-Charles W. Socarides, MD Clinical Professor of Psychiatry Albert Einstein College of Medicine

"This insightful and readable book will help therapists and patients alike. Today, Gay Affirmative Therapy rightly demands respect for patients' own goals. In that spirit one must respect some gay men's unhappiness with their identities and lifestyles. Reparative Therapy, as the author says, does not explain all homosexuality, and it is not right for all gay men, but it can allow some to claim what they desire. What is repaired is self-esteem and relatedness to others."

- Arno Karlen, Ph.D., Author of Sexuality and Homosexuality.


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Case stories of reparative therapy


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Um assunto polêmico
3 weeks, 4 days ago

Apesar do assunto ser polêmico, o autor ousa falar da sua experiência como terapeuta de homossexuais masculinos. Ele enfrentou grande resistências nos EUA por defender sua Terapia Reparativa, que não entendo como as usuais "curas gays", de simples recondicionamento, e que são famosas por causarem suicídio. Não é o caso dele, que faz uma análise minuciosa de cada cliente que lhe chega. E é disso que trata esse livro: a análise de diversos casos, um estudo de caso, na verdade, de cada ho... leia mais


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24/07/2023 16:34:35
editou em:
24/07/2023 16:35:36

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