City of Miracles

City of Miracles Robert Jackson Bennett


City of Miracles (The Divine Cities #3)

Sigrud je Harkvaldsson is back, and this time he's out for vengeance.

The awesome climax to the fantasy thrillers City of Stairs and City of Blades: perfect for fans of Neil Gaiman, Brent Weeks and China Miéville.

Shara Komayd, once Prime Minister of Saypur, has been assassinated. News travels fast and far, even to a remote logging town somewhere northwest of Bulikov, where the silent, shaven-headed Dreyling worker 'Bjorn' picks up the newspaper and walks out. He is shocked and grieved and furious; he's been waiting thirteen years for Shara, his closest friend, to reach out to him - to tell him to come home. He's always believed she was running a long operation, that there would be a role for him at the right time. Now he has no one else in his life, and nothing to live for - except to find the people who did this.

Sigrud wasn't there for the death of his daughter Signe, and he wasn't there when Shara was murdered. Now Bjorn is dead and Sigrud is back. And he will find answers, for Shara, and for himself. He's made a promise . . .

Fantasia / Ficção

Edições (3)

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City of Miracles
City of Miracles
City of Miracles


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City of Stairs
City of Blades

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Resenha: City of Miracles
on 20/7/20

Estou triste em acabar essa série. A construção do mundo é provavelmente uma das melhores que já encontrei em Fantasia. É tão única, complexa e bem desenvolvida. E eu amo como cada livro se concentra em um lugar diferente e em uma divindade diferente. É um mundo tão rico e Bennett faz um trabalho incrível mostrando isso para nós. Os personagens em City of Miracles ainda são incríveis! Sigrud é o meu favorito desde o primeiro livro e é incrível ver sua perspectiva aqui no encerrament... leia mais


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Filipe Faria
cadastrou em:
05/09/2018 20:51:54

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