Claiming His Fate

Claiming His Fate Ellis Leigh


Claiming His Fate (Feral Breed Motorcycle Club #1)

A shifter battling his wolf instincts…
A woman living a life of obligation and lies…
A moment of fate interrupted by danger.

Book one in the Feral Breed Motorcycle Club series

Rebel Lynch has spent two hundred years searching for balance between his human side and his inner wolf. As a den President of The Feral Breed Motorcycle Club, a lack of control over the beast within isn’t just a pain in the tail, it’s a death sentence. One served by his club brothers: the judges, jury, and executioners of the wolf-shifting community.

At Amnesia Gentlemen’s Club, customers and staff check their real-world identities at the door. Charlotte, one of the club’s best waitresses, ditched her legit career in corporate IT because she needs the kind of income those pesky IRS folks can’t track. When the smart-mouthed bombshell pulls a gig serving a private party, she expects nothing more than a few extra tips. That is until dirty-talking Rebel Lynch strolls into the room looking like sin incarnate, flashing motorcycle club colors, and blasting Charlotte’s expectations about work, life, and love straight to hell.

One glance at Charlotte and Rebel knows she’s his fated mate. But a wolf shifter is attacking women at the club, threatening Charlotte’s life, and putting the entire shifter community at risk of exposure. Rebel and his Feral Breed MC brothers must find the crazed shifter before he strikes again. If Rebel can’t uncover the new monster in their midst—and learn to rein in the protective instincts of a fully mated alpha—his future with Charlotte will be dead on arrival.

*Adult content featuring a dirty-talking wolf shifter, a spunky BBW, and some naughty growling in the workplace.

Erótico / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (2)

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Claiming His Fate
Claiming His Fate


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Resenhas para Claiming His Fate (1)

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Um livro que introduz ao universo de shifters + MC
on 22/4/21

Bom, gente, eu gostei! HAHHAHHA É um enredo maluco, bem fora da realidade, mas legal! Inclusive, acho que por isso que se torna legal. Pra quem gosta de livros com machos alfas - e com esse lance de shifters, seja de lobo, dragão ou até mesmo aliens - (como eu!!), esse livro é uma ótima pedida! Achei apenas a Charlotte meio chatinha em alguns momentos, mas nada insuportável, não. Só ficou parecendo que às vezes ela tinha uns lapsos de "eu sou uma mulher independente" meio forçado... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.3 / 63
ranking 11
ranking 29
ranking 48
ranking 10
ranking 3



Nina Barb
cadastrou em:
02/09/2017 14:41:45

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