Confessions of a Heartbreaker

Confessions of a Heartbreaker Jennifer Sucevic


Confessions of a Heartbreaker

For high school senior, Parker Montgomery, life is pretty damn awesome. With his good looks and easy charm, girls have always come easy. Sure, it can sometimes be a curse, but it's one he thoroughly enjoys taking advantage of. And he can always rely on his best friend, Max, to have his back. Added bonus to that friendship- Parker is continually reminded by Max's rollercoaster of a relationship (the guy was, after all, stabbed with a spork) as to why he has absolutely zero interest in being tied down. Parker's idea of a committed relationship is a few hours spent groping around in a dark room. And then there's football. Yep, he pretty much lives and breathes it.

Unfortunately for Parker, life is just about to nosedive before crashing and bursting into a fiery ball of flames. Because apparently Parker's not doing so hot in his Senior English Comp class. And his teacher, Ms. Fisk (also lovingly referred to as- that old bat) has called his parents to set him up with a tutor. With an ultimatum between raising his grade or sitting out for the season, Parker has no choice but to begrudgingly meet with a tutor three times a week. As if that wasn't enough, his parents are now riding his you-know-what with a crop. Now throw in a girl who thinks he's nothing more than a walking STD and Parker suddenly, for the first time in his life, finds himself doing all the chasing. As if the world has totally fallen off it's axis, this girl has firmly relegated him to some strange place called the friendship zone. Has Parker finally found the one girl worth changing for? And is there anyway for him to prove that he's not quite the man whore she thinks he is?

This is a Mature Young Adult Novel

Jovem adulto / Romance

Edições (1)

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 Confessions of a Heartbreaker


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02/02/2015 11:16:05

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