Crown of Shadows

Crown of Shadows K. M. Shea


Crown of Shadows (Court of Midnight and Deception #1)

The fae of the Night Court are desperately searching for a new monarch to crown before the Court collapses.

I couldn’t care less.

I’ve done everything I can to bury my fae blood and embrace my human half. That changes when some fae nobles show up on my doorstep and announce that I’m the next Queen of the Night Court.

Becoming an unwilling fae queen? Check. Inheriting a terrible mess? Double check.

The Court is almost bankrupt, my citizens’ favorite hobby is backstabbing one another, and I don’t know who I can trust since someone keeps trying to assassinate me.

Speaking of assassins, I get introduced to the best in the business—a fae lord nicknamed the Wraith. His deadly profession means he fears no one. The only reason he doesn’t kill me on the spot is he’s also a member of the Night Court and the Court’s magic protects me. But that doesn’t prevent him from trading verbal barbs with me whenever we meet.

And if cat herding all these uncooperative fae and chatting with assassins wasn’t enough, I’m required to get married as part of some archaic Court law. This “queen” gig is the worst!

Supposedly I can choose anyone to marry, but with all the infighting I need someone who is neutral and won’t provoke more political power struggles.

So, why do I keep thinking of a certain assassin?

Court of Midnight and Deception is an urban fantasy trilogy featuring fae, werewolves, vampires, and wizards. It’s packed with humor, adventure, and a sweet, slow burn romance between a reluctant fae queen and the assassin who tried to kill her.

Edições (1)

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Crown of Shadows


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The Queen
Crown of Moonlight
Magic Unleashed
Magic Forged

Resenhas para Crown of Shadows (1)

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Irreverente e despretensioso
on 9/4/22

Uma rainha meio fae, meio humana, irônica e que pode mentir. Um livro recheado de aventura, traição e busca pelo poder. Leve e, às vezes, cômico. Exatamente o que eu precisava num momento tão ruim que passo. Nada de dark cheio sentimentos conflitantes e que me deixam mais depressivo. Alguns trechos realmente me fizeram rir. ... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
29/12/2020 17:19:45
editou em:
29/12/2020 17:20:38

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