Deeply Destructive

Deeply Destructive Lucy Covington


Deeply Destructive

(Addicted to You, #4)

Dangerous. Sexy. Damaged.

These are the words used to describe Justin Brown.

Intelligent. Capable. Responsible.

These are the words used to describe Lindsay Cramer.

Irresistible. Addicting. Passionate.

These are the words used to describe their relationship.

Good girl Lindsay Cramer has her life completely in order, and she keeps her goals on a checklist -- obtain scholarship to Ivy League University, finish undergrad, and move on to med school. She’s worked hard to get where she is, and she’s determined not to let anything – or anyone -- get in her way.

Until she meets Justin Brown. JB is gorgeous, and the kind of guy who is all wrong for Lindsay -- the kind of guy who is all wrong for anyone . He drinks, he fights, and he has a secret past Lindsay’s not so sure she wants to know about.

But when the two of them are together, Lindsay can’t help but lose herself in him. It’s the way his eyes burn when he looks at her. The way his smile makes her dizzy. The way his hands feel on her body.

Soon, Lindsay and Justin are completely addicted to each other. But when their dangerous game culminates with Lindsay having to make a shocking choice, will she be able to keep JB in her life? And if so, will she lose everything in the process?

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Deeply Destructive


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Dangerously Damaged

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4° Livro da Série Addicted To You - Sinopse
on 31/5/21

Lindsay Cramer, como uma boa menina, mantêm sua vida completamente em ordem, e ela têm todos os seus objetivos listados para verificação - obter bolsa de estudos para Ivy League University, acabar a graduação, e passar para a escola de medicina. Ela trabalhou duro para chegar onde está, e ela está determinada a não deixar nada - nem ninguém - entrar em seu caminho. Até que ela conhece Justin Brown. JB é lindo e do tipo de cara que é completamente errado para Lindsay - o tipo de cara qu... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.3 / 62
ranking 18
ranking 18
ranking 47
ranking 13
ranking 5



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10/02/2014 13:08:10

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