Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know

Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know Qing Se Yu Yi


Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know (complete edition)

Mozun Ye Xiang Zhidao

In a Mary-Sue novel, the readers all liked the Devil Venerable, the second male lead who devoted himself whole-heartedly to the female lead. However the female lead only loved the male lead who abused her physically and mentally.

Readers: Why doesn't the female lead like the Devil Venerable?!

Devil Venerable: This Venerable also wants to know. But what I really want to know is why I even like the female lead at all.

In order to understand why the female lead wasn't attracted to him, the self-conscious Devil Venerable brutally interrogated the entire cast of characters from the novel.

Background characters: I have so many things I want to say but I don't dare to say it to his face!


After obtaining the book, the Devil Venerable discovered that the book described the world he lived in. This book said that after he sacrificed himself for the female lead, the fourth male lead, his silent and loyal subordinate Yin Hanjiang, blackened and attempted to kill her as a sacrificial offering for his lord.

Devil Venerable Wenren E: Yin Hanjiang, this Venerable wants to know why you wanted to kill the female lead.

Yin Hanjiang was silent.

Wenren E: If you refuse to speak, this Venerable will cut out your tongue and have it with alcohol!

Yin Hanjiang: ...

Wenren E: What the hell are you blushing for?!

Aventura / Fantasia / Ficção / Humor, Comédia / LGBT / GLS / Romance

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Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know


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Uma novel divertida, cheia de personagens cativantes
on 2/2/24

Nos primeiros capítulos, duvidei que essa novel seria tão boa quanto eu imaginei quando li a sinopse, e foi só após uns quinze capítulos que a história conseguiu me prender, mas daí em diante só melhorou. Pra mim, o ponto mais forte da obra são os personagens e as dinâmicas entre eles. Sendo sincera, no começo nenhum personagem me interessou. O Yin Hanjiang (ML) parecia ter a personalidade de uma porta, a Shu Yanyan parecia o clichê de personagem feminina de seita demoníaca que prat... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
05/06/2022 20:27:58
editou em:
18/11/2023 20:04:10

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