
Devils' Day Party C.M. Stunich


Devils' Day Party

Hot bullies, busted cars, and the party of the year.
On an endless loop.
I don’t know how, but I’m living today over and over again.

Every year, the town of Devil Springs holds a celebration known as Devils’ Day.
There’s no magic, but there might as well be: we wear masks, we play tricks, we party hard.
Every year, the students of Crescent Reform School party the hardest.

They’re the lewdest, the most wanton, ribald, and lascivious.
Why shouldn’t they be? Our ultrarich prep school sits in the middle of the woods, a place for wealthy families to dump their black sheep.
Except for me.
My parents sacrificed everything they had to send me to Crescent Prep.

I can’t let Calix Knight, Barron Farrar, and Raz Loveren ruin that for me.
They’ve bullied me for years, and I’ve never known why.
At least today, they have something real to be pissed about.
I crashed my shitty yellow VW Beetle into Calix’s Aston Martin.

And somehow, someway, I keep waking up at the moment of the crash.
I can’t undo it; I can’t run from the Knight Crew.
My mantra has always been: this too shall pass.
But not today.
Not the worst day of my life.

DEVILS' DAY PARTY is a 150,000 word mature high school/new adult romance with enemies-to-lovers/love-hate themes. This is a contemporary story about a girl who lives the same day over and over again. This is a stand-alone novel, meaning it is one, complete story with no sequels.

Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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on 14/4/22

Ainda estou refletindo sobre esse livro e pensando seriamente se realmente eu entendi que rolou. Estou na dúvida se eu gostei ou não do livro, rs. O livro é único de romance bully que é um sub-gênero criado para não ser usado como um romance "normal" na qual existem muitos por aí. O trope do livro além de ser dark também tem como assunto o harém reverso. Sobre os personagens achei eles iguais aos garotos da mesma autora na série "The Havoc Boys". E semelhante também com a série "Devi... leia mais


Avaliações 3.8 / 262
ranking 36
ranking 31
ranking 25
ranking 5
ranking 2



cadastrou em:
10/08/2020 04:28:52
editou em:
10/05/2023 09:51:17

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