Disciplinary Action

Disciplinary Action Onley James


Disciplinary Action

LEOPOLD GIDEON spent his childhood as the poor kid in a rich school until he met an older man who took him under his wing and into his bed, teaching him to not only survive but thrive among the elite and to never submit to anybody...except him. For fifteen years, Gideon had everything, but then tragedy strikes, leaving him alone once again. CALLUM WHYTE was raised with every conceivable luxury but one: loving parents. When his father is indicted for federal crimes and his assets frozen, Cal has to learn to survive with nothing. When a friend offers him money to spend the night with the hot older man they all call Daddy, Cal has no choice but to say yes or literally risk going without medication he needs to stay alive. One night with Daddy Gideon leaves Cal's head spinning and his body longing for something he never thought he'd want: discipline. Too bad Gideon never plays with the same boy twice, not even ones who beg as sweetly as Cal. Just when Cal thinks all hope is lost, he discovers Gideon is the new headmaster for his school, leading him to devise a plan to get what he wants by blackmailing the older man into spending the next six weeks with him. But Cal is about to learn it doesn't pay to blackmail someone who doles out his punishments. Will this battle of wills end in a ceasefire or heartbreak?This book contains BDSM, Daddy Dom, Age-Gap, Teacher/Student and Domestic Discipline and is complete at 78,000 words with no cliffhanger and a HEA.

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Disciplinary Action


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on 23/6/22

Os livros da Onley têm uma premissa totalmente erótica, mas são cheios de história e parece que os hots nunca são suficientes. Nessa obra de arte aqui, uma história DADDY KINK, a vida de Cal e Gideon se entrelaça quando Cal, precisando desesperadamente de dinheiro, aceita um trabalho como garoto de programa numa agência que seu melhor amigo recomenda, e Gideon, que busca encontros de uma vez só para saciar seus desejos e não correr riscos de se tornar muito próximo, é o primeiro clien... leia mais


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