Don Quixote

Don Quixote Miguel de Cervantes


Don Quixote

Miguel de Cervantes's mock-epic masterwork, Don Quixote was voted the greatest book of all time by the Nobel Institute, and this Penguin Classics edition is translated with an introduction and notes by John Rutherford. Don Quixote has become so entranced by reading romances of chivalry that he determines to become a knight errant and pursue bold adventures, accompanied by his squire, the cunning Sancho Panza. As they roam the world together, the aging Quixote's fancy leads them wildly astray, tilting at windmills, fighting with friars, and distorting the rural Spanish landscape into a fantasy of impenetrable fortresses and wicked sorcerers. At the same time the relationship between the two men grows in fascinating subtlety. Often considered to be the first modern novel, Don Quixote is a wonderful burlesque of the popular literature its disordered protagonist is obsessed with. John Rutherford's landmark translation does full justice to the energy and wit of Cervantes's prose, and this edition of Don Quixote won the 2002 Premio Valle Inclan prize for translation. His introduction discusses the traditional works parodied in Don Quixote and issues of literary translation.

Aventura / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (10)

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Don Quixote
Don Quixote (EverGreen Classics) (English Edition)
Don Quixote
Don Quixote


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Resenhas para Don Quixote (11)

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Divertido e espirituoso.
on 23/1/24

Adoro o fato de este ser uma mistura entre um romance de cavalaria medieval e um romance "moderno". É muito episódico e o romance decorre durante um longo período de tempo, apresentando muitas aventuras diferentes unidas por temas comuns, e achei que a estrutura do romance facilitou a leitura. Dom Quixote explora ideias de individualismo e explora a vida do herói para além das suas aventuras. É uma combinação interessante e gostei muito da experiência de leitura que criou. O romance ca... leia mais

Vídeos Don Quixote (1)

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Resenha: Dom Quixote e seu mundo paralelo

Resenha: Dom Quixote e seu mundo paralelo


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Avaliações 4.1 / 377
ranking 47
ranking 31
ranking 17
ranking 4
ranking 1



cadastrou em:
10/10/2023 14:15:34
editou em:
10/10/2023 14:15:57

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