Dreams of the Oasis III

Dreams of the Oasis III Tielle St. Clare...


Dreams of the Oasis III

Dreams of the Oasis III

Interplanetary Survival Episode By Tielle St Clare
When Katya's team in the latest interplanetary reality show falls behind, all she has to do is have sex with one of the planet's ruling catlike creatures in exchange for safe passage through a massive forest. Bach leader of the forest dwellers is huge, sexy and well-hung, but Katya doesn't like the idea of being sold. Bach doesn't understand why a delicious woman like Katya would sell herself so easily. The animal that lurks inside him craves this woman like no other but Bach draws on his human side and refuses to be a part of it. But Katya is determined to fulfill her part of the bargain...even if she has to seduce Bach to do it.

Pleasuremaid By Cricket Starr
Dina has no memory of who she is or why she landed in the prison garden of a nobleman a nobleman with an unusual sexual problem. All she cares about is that she wants to be close to Gall and to help him. But as her memories return, Dina discovers she is more than she seems, and that there much more to her purpose in being with the prince than giving him mind-blowing sex. The problem is her knowledge may separate her from the man she's come to love. P

riestess of Desire By Mary Winter
One test to pass, and then Daphine will fulfill her lifelong dream of becoming a priestess of Zudiat. To worship the goddess, she must lose her virginity to Prince Sethe Cavelblood in a sacred ritual, and then turn away from men forever. But one night isn't enough. Not for Daphine, who must soon take her vows, or for Sethe who has to find a suitable wife and start breeding heirs. The priestess burns for his touch, but can she turn aside from her calling to follow a prince who must marry another? Can the prince convince his father that it's time to join the royal line and the priestesses once more?

Summer Lovin' By Shelley Munro
Sophie Walker is on holiday in Australia when a hot and handsome cutey kisses her right in the middle of the Burleigh Bowls Club. The man fires slumbering sensual fantasies and sends her hormones swooping. Sophie wants to take a bite before she realizes it's her daughter's ex-boyfriend. Chastened, Sophie tells herself to forget the younger man, but it seems the attraction is mutual. Sunshine. A hot, young stud. Steamy sex. The perfect recipe for total relaxation until the end of the vacation looms and Sophie doesn't want to let Isaac go.

Tempt Me Twice By Renee Luke
Latoya Ross fears her marriage is over as she looks at Dante's broad shoulders across a span of cold sheets. She longs for wild passion and the days they were so hot for one another they couldn't keep their hands to themselves. Determined to lure him back, she's willing to take a risk to rekindle lust, from start-of-the-day sex, to midday office encounters. Driven by love, she attempts to shift their future by offering him the pleasure of her body. Sex doesn't fix everything, but will it be enough to remind him why they fell in love in the first place?

Werewolf in L.A. By Marianne LaCroix
In 1941 Hollywood, B-movie scream queen Estelle Lane is swept off her feet by Jack Butler, the "wolf-man" on her current film. When he touches her, not even the wolf mask he wears can damp the sexual sizzle between them. But Jack is much more than he seems, and in the bedroom he shows her how much a wolf he can be.

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Dreams of the Oasis III



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02/11/2014 19:45:47

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