Eclipse in Action

Eclipse in Action David Gallardo...


Eclipse in Action

A Guide for Java Developers

Eclipse is a new open-source, Java-based, extensible development platform designed for nothing in particular but everything in general. Because of its roots, it is currently most popular as a Java integrated development environment (IDE). Eclipse ships with plugins for writing and debugging Java code. Additional plugins for more advanced Java development, such as JSP/servlets, are available from third parties.

This book provides a thorough guide to using Eclipse features and plugins effectively in the context of real-world Java development. Realistic examples demonstrate how to use Eclipse effectively to build, test and debug applications using the tools provided by Eclipse and other third-party open source plugins. The reader will learn how to use plugin tools for using Eclipse in a team environment, including using Ant for more sophisticated build processes and CVS for source control. Plugin-ins for building web applications, using J2EE technologies, such as JSP/Servlets and EJB, are also discussed.

Complementing this coverage of Eclipse in the context of development is a reference providing a comprehensive guide to Eclipse. Because Eclipse and its plugins provide a remarkable array of features, it is often hard to learn what features are available and how they can be invoked. This reference lays things out clearly: feature-by-feature, menu-by-menu.

What's inside:

Getting started with the Eclipse Workbench: Perspectives, views and editors
Working effectively with the Eclipse JDT
Adding unit tests with JUnit, logging with log4j
Team development with Ant and CVS
Plugins for J2EE including the Sysdeo Tomcat plugin
Developing Eclipse plugins
Comprehensive Eclipse reference
About the technology
Eclipse is a new open-source, Java-based, extensible development platform designed for nothing in particular but everything in general. Because of its roots, it is currently most popular as a Java integrated development environment (IDE). Eclipse ships with plugins for writing and debugging Java code. Additional plugins for more advanced Java development, such as JSP/servlets, are available from third parties.

About the book
This book provides a thorough guide to using Eclipse features and plugins effectively in the context of real-world Java development. Realistic examples demonstrate how to use Eclipse effectively to build, test and debug applications using the tools provided by Eclipse and other third-party open source plugins. The reader will learn how to use plugin tools for using Eclipse in a team environment, including using Ant for more sophisticated build processes and CVS for source control. Plugin-ins for building web applications, using J2EE technologies, such as JSP/Servlets and EJB, are also discussed.

Complementing this coverage of Eclipse in the context of development is a reference providing a comprehensive guide to Eclipse. Because Eclipse and its plugins provide a remarkable array of features, it is often hard to learn what features are available and how they can be invoked. This reference lays things out clearly: feature-by-feature, menu-by-menu.

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Eclipse in Action



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26/09/2015 13:37:42

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