El Almacén

El Almacén Bentley Little


El Almacén

The Store

Una aterradora novela escrita por uno de los autores favoritos de Stephen King. en Juniper, Arizona, nunca ocurre nada extraordinario. Así, el anuncio de la apertura de el Almacén supone una gran novedad. Todo lo que uno pueda querer estará bajo un mismo

The Store builds paranoia by starting with simple descriptions of the picturesque landscape and the deceptively banal Western town that is Juniper, Arizona. Then The Store arrives. The Store razes a lovely hill to build its huge parking lot. The Store offers well-paying jobs and an astonishing variety of consumer goods. The pattern of delight and worry in the citizens, as The Store spreads its tentacles into local concerns, is believable--disturbingly so.

If there’s a better horror novelist than Bentley Little working today, I don’t know who it is. The Store is...frightening. The perfect summer read.’’—Los Angeles Times

Juniper, Arizona, is an off-the-map desert town the retail giant called The Store has chosen for its new location. Now everything you could possibly want is under one roof, at unbelievable prices. But you’d better be careful what you wish for. This place demands something of its customers that goes beyond brand loyalty. At The Store, one-stop shopping has become last-stop shopping.

Bill Davis is the only one in town who senses the evil lurking within The Store. But he can’t stop his two teenage daughters from taking jobs there and falling under the frightening influence of its sadistic manager. When Bill finally takes a stand, he will get much more than he bargained for....

Bentley Little is the author of numerous novels, short stories, articles, essays, and reviews. After earning a BA in communications and an MA in English, Little sold his soul and abandoned all artistic integrity, working for eight years as a bureaucrat for a midsized city in Orange County, California. His first novel, The Revelation, won the 1990 Horror Writers Association Bram Stoker Award for best first novel.

Horror / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance / Terror

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The Store
El Almacén


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