Elemental Fae Holiday

Elemental Fae Holiday Lexi C. Foss


Elemental Fae Holiday

All I want for Christmas is to feel my legs.Because my mates broke me. After years of adoration and love-and lots of intimacy-my guys have a special holiday request. A little fae baby. Like a fool, I agree, but there's no way I can choose who gets to be the father. So, my guys have come up with a solution. A series of trials will determine who'll do the deed; namely, one in the bedroom that has me questioning if my lady parts are really up for this. Right now? Yeah, I can't feel my legs. Except one look at my mates has me caving. The idea of them as dads melts me into a puddle of Claire-goo. Even if their timing can't be worse. My dream of opening an Interrealm Fae Academy is just within reach. Then my pregnancy arrives with one hell of a twist. I'm going to have to count on my guys more than ever to get me through this mess. Wish my mates luck. They're going to need it. Because a pregnant fae with control over all five elements is a challenge unlike any they've ever faced before. Something tells me this is going to be one unforgettable holiday. Authors' Note: Elemental Fae Holiday is a standalone why-choose novel with a happily-ever-after ending. It features characters from the Elemental Fae Academy world but can be read without previous knowledge from the trilogy.

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Elemental Fae Holiday


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Conto extra da saga elemental fae
on 26/12/22

Caso alguém esteja se perguntando se vale a pena ler a saga e não liga pra spoiler, recomendo ler esse conto. Pq pqp ainda bem que não me dei o trabalho de ler os 5 livros. Que cacete de história. Eu tinha desistido até, mas poucas páginas pra mais um livro lido no ano... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
16/01/2021 05:57:54
editou em:
06/09/2021 01:42:51

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