Elements of Fiction Writing - Characters & Viewpoint

Elements of Fiction Writing - Characters & Viewpoint Orson Scott Card


Elements of Fiction Writing - Characters & Viewpoint

Proven advice and timeless techniques for creating compelling characters by an award-winning author

Vivid and memorable characters aren't born: they have to be made.

This book is a set of tools: literary crowbars, chisels, mallets, pliers and tongs. Use them to pry, chip, yank and sift good characters out of the place where they live in your imagination.

Award-winning author Orson Scott Card explains in depth the techniques of inventing, developing and presenting characters, plus handling viewpoint in novels and short stories. With specific examples, he spells out your narrative options—the choices you'll make in creating fictional people so real" that readers will feel they know them like members of their own families.

You'll learn how to:

Draw characters from a variety of sources;
Make characters show who they are by the things they do and say, and by their individual "style";
Develop characters readers will love—or love to hate;
Distinguish among major characters, minor characters and walk-ons, and develop each appropriately;
Choose the most effective viewpoint to reveal the characters and move the storytelling;
Decide how deeply you should explore your characters' thoughts, emotions, and attitudes;

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Elements of Fiction Writing - Characters & Viewpoint


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Como desenvolver seus personagens!
on 2/4/14

Personagens bem construídos é o segredo de qualquer narrativa que prende o leitor. Dentre os livros com dicas para escritores focado na criação e desenvolvimento de personagens na narrativa, Character and Viewpoint, do Orson Scott Card (o autor de Ender’s Game), é um dos mais famosos. O livro está dividido em três partes, respectivamente, a Invenção de Personagens, a Construção de Personagens e a Representação de Personagens. Cada uma das partes é repleta de dicas para as diversas e... leia mais


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