Engaging Mr. Darcy

Engaging Mr. Darcy Rachel John


Engaging Mr. Darcy

“Angry people are not always wise.” – Jane Austen

After a standoff in the pizza parlor, Elsie Bennet has decided Fitzwilliam “I-Throw-Fitz” Darcy is the worst customer she’s ever encountered. Also the best looking, but that’s beside the point. She’s horrified to discover Will is not just passing through her small town, he’s her new neighbor.

Will Darcy has all the money and time he could ask for, and yet life never seems to meet his expectations. When his best friend, Charlie, starts dating Jane Bennet, Will becomes their unhappy third-wheel. The solution? Bring along Jane’s sister, Elsie, a girl who challenges him, makes him laugh, plagues his thoughts, and unfortunately, hates his guts.

Will might control a lot of things, but he won’t control her. Elsie’s already been warned away by her new friend, Jeff Wickham, who found out the hard way that Will is not someone to be crossed. Things would be so much simpler if she was attracted to Jeff. But she’s not. She’s attracted to Will, and the tug-o-war between her mind and her heart is going to drive her mad.

A modern day take on Pride and Prejudice with all the characters you know and love.


Edições (1)

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Engaging Mr. Darcy


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on 30/3/22

Como Orgulho e Preconceito é meu livro favorito, eu super amei meu essa história. Foi super divertido poder relembrar os personagens, e o modo como a autora trouxe eles para a atualidade foi simplesmente perfeito. Mais divertido ainda foi tentar adivinhar o que os personagens iam fazer me baseado no livro original. O romance é super fofo, assim como em Orgulho e Preconceito, os personagens são maravilhosos e tudo remete ao livro de Jane Austen. Além também da leitura ser super rápida e... leia mais


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02/11/2019 11:32:25

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