Espresso Con Eagle: A Kinship Cove Fun & Flirty Paranormal Romance (Cuddles & Coffee) (English Edition)

Espresso Con Eagle: A Kinship Cove Fun & Flirty Paranormal Romance (Cuddles & Coffee) (English Edition) Ellis Leigh


Espresso Con Eagle: A Kinship Cove Fun & Flirty Paranormal Romance (Cuddles & Coffee) (English Edition)

The spotlight burns brighter in a small town as does the fire between matesno matter the age difference. Welcome to the Kinship Cove Diner, where a good cup of coffee comes with every fated mating. * * * I have two great loves of my lifemy fox shifting family (no matter how much they drive me crazy) and being on stage. True, my acting credits are relegated to the local community playhouse, but that doesnt matter. I spend my free time learning lines and rehearsing scenesthat very few people will ever see. Dating, mating, and all that comes with it? Unimportant. At least until a man with a sharp gaze, a little gray in his hair, and a familiar face comes walking into the diner. Hes handsome, charming, and the fates say all mine. Except hes also famousan actor whose eagle shifter instincts have brought him stardom in the action-movie arena. The fates arent always kind, but giving me someone who lives his life in such a public way might just be too cruel for words. Ive never really worried about finding a mate, but now that I have him? I dont want to be without him. And Ive had enough sharing for one lifetime. * * * What a wonderful, intriguing and intoxicating journey. Two thumbs up and a recommendation for you all to grab yourselves a copy! ~Zetter ESPRESSO CON EAGLE is a paranormal romantic comedy from USA Today bestselling author Ellis Leigh. The story is a standalone PNR rom-com with wit, snark, shifters, and more than just flirting.

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