Esquire Presents: What It Feels Like: *To Walk on the Moon*To Be Gored by a Bull*To Survive an Avalanche *To Swallow S words*To Go Over Niagara Falls in ... in the Head*To Win the L (English Edition)

Esquire Presents: What It Feels Like: *To Walk on the Moon*To Be Gored by a Bull*To Survive an Avalanche *To Swallow S words*To Go Over Niagara Falls in ... in the Head*To Win the L (English Edition) A.J. Jacobs


Esquire Presents: What It Feels Like: *To Walk on the Moon*To Be Gored by a Bull*To Survive an Avalanche *To Swallow S words*To Go Over Niagara Falls in ... in the Head*To Win the L (English Edition)

Have you ever wondered what it feels like: to be stuck in a tornado? [It] is exactly the feel of a freight train approachingthat low, ever-louder howl and the shuddering ground. to participate in an orgy? And all the while, the thought that keeps going through your mind (and through the cab ride home, and into breakfast the next day): Im at an orgy! Im at an orgy! to have a severe stutter? The thing is, theres a disconnect thing between my mind and my tongue. My minds processing a thousand words a minute, and the tongue is only squeezing out ten or twelve. to be a mob hitman? Its nerve-racking. Dont let anyone tell you any different. Anybody whos any good at this is concentrating with every nerve in their body, trying to get it done right and trying not to get caught. to be 105 years old? I was born in 1897 and Ive seen a lot in the world. Ive seen everything there is to see. You look back and tell yourself, What have I been doing all these years? If these tidbits whet your appetite for real, first-person accounts of some of lifes most exhilarating, harrowing, or downright strange experiences, then youll be sucked in by Esquire Presents: What It Feels Like. Collected by the ever-curious editors of Esquire magazine, here are more than fifty gripping talesstraight from the mouths of the people whove lived them. From the Trade Paperback edition.

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Esquire Presents: What It Feels Like: *To Walk on the Moon*To Be Gored by a Bull*To Survive an Avalanche *To Swallow S words*To Go Over Niagara Falls in ... in the Head*To Win the L (English Edition)



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