Faking Christmas

Faking Christmas Cindy Steel


Faking Christmas (Christmas Escape)

A Sweet Romance

One little white lie.

That's all it took. Now I'm suddenly having to fake-date my work nemesis to get me through a week at a Vermont Christmas lodge with my family.

The problem? I can't stand Miles Taylor. Not only that, but I don't date people I work with. But I can handle it. I've had practice faking my emotions for years. So it shouldn't matter that Miles never lets me get away with anything. And that he happens to boil my blood hotter than a steaming pot of wassail. So when he throws his annoying grin my way or forces me on dates he knows I'll hate, I'll just grit my teeth and smile.

Or maybe not. Did I mention that Miles is the one person in the world I can't seem to fool?

When my emotions begin feeling less like a sham and his arms feel way too comfortable, it makes me think that maybe Miles had a plan of his own. And I'm starting to like it a lot more than mine.

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Faking Christmas


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Love overflows
on 17/12/22

Tá, eu não sei nem o que dizer kkkkk eu vou ser bem sincera, nunca fui de ler livros de Natal, nunca foi minha vibe, sempre é uma coisa muito clichê, e apesar de eu gostar deles, tudo tem limite kkkkk Eu nunca pensei que ia gostar desse livro tanto que demorei pra ler ele. EU LITERALMENTE TERMINEI O LIVRO EM UM DIA. EU DEVOREI ESSE LIVRO MILES TAYLOR, EU TE AMO, eu nem sei como descrever o quão esse homem é maravilhoso E outra coisa, eu entendi tão bem a Olive cara, essa questão dela ... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.0 / 26
ranking 35
ranking 42
ranking 23
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Ana Alice Andrade
cadastrou em:
02/12/2022 11:49:49
Ana Alice Andrade
editou em:
02/12/2022 11:50:12

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