Finding Their Omega

Finding Their Omega Sadie Moss


Finding Their Omega (Knot Her Pack #1)

My life as a Beta is easy. Simple. Safe.
Too bad it’s all a lie…

I’ve been hiding my Omega status for years, using heat suppressors and scent blockers to keep anyone from realizing what I really am. But when the black-market pills I bought fail one night, I find myself living my worst nightmare—perfuming in a crowded club full of Alphas.

I swear I can feel every eye in the place lock on to me… but just as panic is about to set in, a gorgeous Alpha with the most enticing scent comes to my rescue.

He pretends we’re bonded, tucking me against his side and staring down every other man who approaches. And even though previous experience has made me reluctant to trust any Alpha, when this one—Ethan—offers me refuge with his pack, I can’t say no.

But the moment he leads me inside their sprawling mansion, I realize I’m in way over my head. Because the three other Alphas in his pack all smell just as delicious as he does, and more than that, they seem to want to protect and take care of me.

I’ve never been as drawn to anyone as I am to Ethan, Dante, Caleb, and Garrett. But can I let go of my old fears and accept the connection between us, or will I keep believing the lie I tell myself… that these Alphas are knot my pack?

What you’ll find between these pages:
Sweet Omegaverse
Growly, protective men with hearts of gold
Group activities
Lots of praise
Knotting, nesting, heats, and bonding
“Touch her and die”
Billionaire Alphas who love to pamper their Omega

Finding Their Omega is a standalone reverse harem Omegaverse romance. It contains multiple points of view, very high steam, and has a happily ever after! The characters are fully human and do not shapeshift.

Edições (1)

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Finding Their Omega


Resenhas para Finding Their Omega (1)

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on 24/8/23

Esse livro é tão memorável que eu nem sabia que tinha lido Eu fui excluir da biblioteca do Kindle porque não queria ler e vi que estava lido. Me parece ser ABO padrão, matilha rica adota ômega poble coitada com trezentas inseguranças Eu fiquei com preguiça de ler por cima pra ver se lembro também É sobre isso... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.4 / 9
ranking 22
ranking 11
ranking 56
ranking 11
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cadastrou em:
04/05/2023 10:41:14
editou em:
04/05/2023 10:41:37

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