Flame of Sevenwaters

Flame of Sevenwaters Juliet Marillier


Flame of Sevenwaters

Sevenwaters, Book 6

Going home can be the hardest thing of all...

When Maeve, twenty year old daughter of Lord Sean of Sevenwaters, accompanies a skittish horse back to Erin, she must confront her demons. For Maeve carries the legacy of a childhood fire in her crippled hands. She has lived with her aunt in Britain for ten years, developing a special gift for gentling difficult animals.

Maeve arrives home to find Sevenwaters in turmoil. The forest surrounding her father's keep also has uncanny inhabitants, including a community of Fair Folk. Now the fey prince Mac Dara has become desperate to see his only son return to the Otherworld to rule after him. To force Sean's hand, Mac Dara has made innocent travellers on the Sevenwaters border disappear, and now their bodies are appearing one by one in bizarre circumstances. Mac Dara's malign activities must be stopped. But how? What human army can defeat a force with magic at its fingertips?

Maeve's gift with animals earns her respect at Sevenwaters. She bonds with her enigmatic small brother, Finbar, his druid tutor Luachan, and two stray dogs. When Maeve discovers the body of one of the missing men, she and Finbar are drawn into a journey where the stakes are high: they may bring about the end of Mac Dara's reign, or suffer a hideous death. For Maeve, success may lead to a future she has not dared to believe possible.

Edições (2)

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Flame of Sevenwaters
Flame of Sevenwaters


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Resenhas para Flame of Sevenwaters (2)

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Enfim, termino a série Sevenwaters. Não dá para esquecer o quanto gostei dela e esse
on 28/9/17

Pensar que não há mais nenhum livro dentro desse universo no qual tanto estou familiarizada é realmente triste. São seis livros grandes e complexos até chegar a esse sexto, Flame of Sevenwaters. O último livro conseguiu seguir os anteriores e mostrou apresentar também a marca registrada da autora, uma história emocionante, que insere o leitor no ambiente e sentimentos do personagem, uma história bem contada e que, mesmo não nos assustando com terríveis e malucos plot twists consegue to... leia mais


Avaliações 4.4 / 16
ranking 63
ranking 31
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cadastrou em:
08/10/2012 22:23:43

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