Fractured Minds

Fractured Minds Nikki J Summers


Fractured Minds (Rebels of Sandland #3)

Rebels of Sandland

Finn Knowles

The rebel without a voice. That’s me.

But just because I choose to keep quiet, doesn’t mean there isn’t a raging fire burning inside. Still waters run deep, after all, and there’s a lot of secrets I’ve kept hidden from the world.

Art has always been my escape from the evil that’s tried to drag me down.

It was all I had.

Until her.

Effy Spencer is like nobody I’ve ever met, but everything I’ve ever wanted.

In my dreams, I’m her whole world. In reality, I’m her worst nightmare.

I can’t let my darkness drown her. That’s why I stay away. That, and the fact that he’s back now, and he’s going to destroy my life if it’s the last thing he does.

Effy Spencer

Finn Knowles doesn’t need to say a word to let me know what’s truly in his heart. I see it every day in the beauty of his painting, the honesty in his eyes, and the goodness of his soul.

It breaks my heart that he can’t see it too.

He doesn’t think he’s worthy of love, of someone’s time or patience.

He doesn’t realise how special he really is.

But I do, and I’m nothing if not stubborn.

Finn thinks he can hide away from the world, but he can’t hide from me. I’m going to show him how amazing he is and how much he means to me, even if it’s the last thing I do.

Fractured Minds is a New Adult Romance and the third installment in the Rebels of Sandland series from Nikki J Summers. Each book can be read as a standalone, but it will enhance the overall experience if you read Renegade Hearts and Tortured Souls first.
Finn’s story contains situations of a violent and sexual nature. It also includes references to child abuse that some may find difficult to read. Therefore, it is only suitable for readers 18 years+. Please take note of the trigger warnings at the beginning of the book.

Línguas Estrangeiras / Romance

Edições (1)

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Fractured Minds


(2) ver mais
Renegade Hearts
Tortured Souls


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cadastrou em:
31/03/2022 19:53:08
editou em:
01/09/2022 10:29:27