Girls That Invest

Girls That Invest Simran Kaur


Girls That Invest

Your Guide to Financial Independence through Shares and Stocks

Your step-by-step guide to financial independence―from the creator of the #1 investing education podcast, Girls That Invest.

Ever wondered how on earth the stock market works, but felt too intimidated to ask "those" questions? This is the book for you! In this guide to investing in stocks (aka shares), Simran Kaur teaches the essential principles you can apply to any market, anywhere in the world.

Because money provides freedom: The freedom to say yes or no, the freedom to handle whatever life throws at you, and the freedom to grow and prosper. This book is your invitation to join the thriving community of women who are building a better financial future.

Understand the stock market and different types of investments
Grow your money, beat inflation and secure your future
Decode the jargon around markets, diversification, earnings and more
Explore different investor strategies and find the right one for you
Put it all together, step-by-step, and start your investment portfolio
Investing is for everyone. Pick up Girls That Invest, become an investor-in-training, and claim a space for yourself in the world of finance―so you too can find financial independence and create generational wealth.

Autoajuda / Economia, Finanças

Edições (1)

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Girls That Invest


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Manual de investimento para garotas
on 1/4/24

Ok, esse manual não se aplica apenas a mulheres, e sim a qualquer um que quer começar a investir. Ainda assim, a autora traz um ponto de vista exclusivamente feminino. Afinal, as mulheres foram impedidas de mexer com as finanças da casa e consideradas ?financeiramente irresponsáveis? por tempo demais. Esse livro é ótimo para aqueles que se interessam pelo mercado de ações e querem ser mais responsáveis com o próprio dinheiro, mas não sabem por onde começar. A escrita é leve, simples e... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
24/08/2023 16:03:57
editou em:
24/08/2023 16:04:28

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